Sharing – Sri Sri Yoga

Krishanji has this fine skill of conveying…

the most profound truths in the simplest of words and with such accuracy that my little mind had no option but to shut down.

He lives the knowledge in every breath. And I felt that every moment spent with him was a treasure. His every talk to all 125 grateful students, starting with very simple “How is everyone today?” and ending with “Enjoy your dinner” sank to the deepest level of my being.

The days began with prayerful asanas sessions with Dana. So perfect was the blend of devotion and grace that the asanas seemed to flow through me, much to my own amazement! This course was a complete holiday for my little mind and all little problems that bugged me.

One day Krishanji told us, Guruji does not say: “I Love You because…” but Guruji says: “I love you” and stops there, no matter who you are and what you have done. There is no reason attached to His love. This total and unconditional love of Guruji is what I experienced more than ever during this course in China.

My heartfelt gratitude to all of Guruji’s smiling Angels : Dana, Sylvia, Korin, Tukso, Ee Mei, Angelika, Pek Wan, Man Hu and Happy Helen, and everyone who helped in one way or another …they totally pampered us! For the first time ever, all 45 Phase-two participants graduated as Sri Sri Yoga Teachers!

I feel so lucky and blessed!

– Preeti, Sri Sri Yoga Teachers Training Course, China

15 – 29 Dec 2007

Sri Sri Yoga TTC… The best kept secret!

The best kept secret in the Art of Living myriad of courses is Sri Sri Yoga TTC. But I am here to let the secret out! It is not even POSSIBLE to imagine the depth and the extent of the knowledge we get in this course. Sacred ancient scriptures are unveiled to us in such a way that we not only understand but also EXPERIENCE the true meaning of YOGA. The daily practice of asanas is our playground where we get to experience Yoga on all levels: body, mind, breath. And spirit. You should hear people’s experiences on this course! Every single day, there are students who tell of experiencing, for the very first time, the present moment, stillness of the mind or letting go of the past.

Here is an example of one very happy participant: .Like music reaches a crescendo before the grand finale, the Sri Sri Yoga TTC course too, appears to have gained such momentum that days are stumbling and tripping over each other, hurtling towards the finished line. And the tempo of Divine Knowledge and Wisdom is at its absolute peak. I feel as if Nature and events are in such synchronicity at this time, that they are making an orchestrated attempt to make me go back home a new and better person.

Just the thought gives me an adrenaline rush! Now I know what a caterpillar must feel at the prospect of emerging from the pupa in the form of a butterfly!

Krishanji has a special way of imparting the knowledge that is so concrete, so real that we all actually get it! Every day is full of challenges, accomplishments, wonder and loads and loads of laughter. If only you could hear some of the things Krishanji comes up with! So often he will depict things in such a funny way that we all laugh into tears. I have done both Sri Sri Yoga TTCs before and I am here to assist him. I get to see things from two very different and very interesting perspectives. When I first did the course, few years ago, Sri Sri Yoga TTC was my favorite course. Today it still is. It is so complete, so deep. Even after having taught Sri Sri Yoga, there is SO much to learn. There is even more to learn. All this knowledge, this wisdom that we get, the practices – all of it is so alive! It is simply amazing. Blessed are those who can experience it. May you be one of us too!

– Alexandra Alexandrescu

I was very impressed with …

the Sri Sri Yoga-course. Only a few hours of sessions and you feel totally changed. Each day I felt more flexible and energetic. In addition to that knowledge and very intense meditations combined with the grace of Guruji made it into a wonderful experience. If you want to do something very good for you try it yourself.

– Sylvia

Days and nights filled with silences….

.. pranayamas, asanas, strictness, compassion, love, surprises, laughter, joy, afternoon walks, beautiful satsangs, anatomy discussions, and a continuous stream of knowledge. Pity, the course has ended, but the journey to the Source is lit with Guru Dev’s grace.

– Chandani

I am so deeply touched..

.. that I feel I am a new person. The discipline instilled during the yoga training brought me to an excellent physical condition. By the end of the course I was holding postures with such ease and in deep meditation. My yoga practice was missing a deeper connection. The knowledge given to us in this course has integrated into a complete sadhana. Although I have been to other teacher workshops / programs, this was one unlike any of the others. I believe now I have learned what true yoga is.

– Kiran

As I unite in this moment….

…I feel such a gratitude, I feel so precious to be able to be under this umbrella of Divine grace and to be able to go out in the world and share this precious pearl with humanity and all of creation.

– Daniel

Union with myself, that is what this journey….

… of Sri Sri Yoga has been about for me. Everyday I become more and more aware of the changes that are occuring in this body and mind and with that, my spirit feels at peace. Peace with myself. Practising yoga in the morning is an awakening; each cell in the body is waking up and wishing me good morning; my mind feels as if I have just opened a window and taken a deep breath of fresh air and my spirit is being caressed by the divine. Simplicity is dawning in my life; just being, doing, and relaxing ( with a song and a smile). Sri Sri yoga I think has quietened the waves of a mind that is very susceptible to turbulence and allowed serene simplicity to manifest. I feel healthier and happier.
