Archive for the ‘SCHEDULES & EVENTS’ Category

SriSri’s Talk in Hong Kong 2010

In Knowledge digest, SCHEDULES & EVENTS on 20/07/2010 at 01:34

‘The voice of righteousness, peace and non-violence should be heard loud and clear’ – Hong Kong, July 5 2010

Whatever you give, you get back. Nature is like that; it reflects what we give to the world.

Can you hear me? (in a dim whispering tone)

This much is the effect in what we talk, and our voice is not heard. The voice of righteousness, peace and non-violence should be heard loud and clear.

The main reason for stress is that we feel we are not understood by people, by our spouse, our colleagues, our parents, or our children. This communication problem creates a great storm. Children complain that parents don’t understand them, and parents complain that children don’t understand them.

How many parents have experienced this? (A show of hands)

We all have communication problems, either with brothers, or sisters, or any other relation. How many of you agree with this?  Spouses don’t have to raise their hands; I don’t want to be the cause of a storm at home! (Everyone laughs.)

We think we are misunderstood, and this is a very common problem. But instead of blaming the other, we need to express ourselves better.

Suppose I speak to you in Swahili, you would not be able to understand. Yet there is a language that everyone, even animals and trees can understand, and that is the language of the heart. You don’t need words for this, but your very presence can communicate this. If you have a dog or puppy, it doesn’t use words to express its love when you return from office; instead their mere presence exhibits the language of love. As children, we were born with this, but somewhere along the way we got muddled up.

The world thinks you are better than you are. If you think you have 100 per cent goodness, the world thinks you have 200 percent. The world always honors you. You honor the world and it reflects on you. The same is the case with bad things like blame. It will reflect on the person. Your situation in life is a reflection of how you feel.

Laws of Spirituality

1) Stop blaming yourself:

This is the first law on the spiritual path. Don’t blame yourself and others.Stop blaming yourself. ‘I am no good’, ‘I don’t do this right’, ‘I have this weakness’. If you keep blaming yourself, you can never be spiritual.

Both good things and not-so-good things happen in life.

If you keep blaming yourself, you lose your smile and self-confidence. Then anger and frustration comes up, and that ferments to violence. Violence causes suicidal tendencies.

2) Stop blaming others:

Everyone is just a postman, delivering the letter, the parcel due to you. If you expect sweets when you ordered chillies, it is not the delivery person’s fault.

If you want to tell someone about their mistake, tell them with care, not with anger. Tell them firmly but with a smile and compassion.

3) The whole world is your family, and you have no enemies.

This is the third law of spirituality. If you can’t accept the whole world as your family, then start with ‘I have no enemies’. Such peace will dawn in life; nothing can take away that peace.

Q: How can a relationship between a man and woman be successful?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I would like to give one advice for men, one for women and one for both.

First for women: Never hurt your man’s ego. You should always pump his ego. The whole world may say that your husband has no brains, but you should not say that! You should tell your husband that he has the best brains in the world. And that just because he doesn’t use it, doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have it! If you call him a vegetable, he will become one. A woman should never demand proof from a man. Men are not so expressive, so don’t expect compliments. Instead, she should compliment him.

For men: Never hurt the emotions of a woman. She may sometimes complain about her family, about her brother, or her father, or her mother. You should not agree with that. If you do, then she will take a U-turn. Never insult her family. Don’t stop her from going for shopping, or going to a spiritual or religious program. If she wants to go for shopping, give her your credit card.

Now for both: Never ask for proof of someone’s love for you. Don’t ask each other, “Do you really love me? You don’t love me like you used to earlier.” It is such a load for someone to prove their love to others. If someone asks you to prove your love, you would say “Oh my God! How do I prove it to this person?”

Life is love, Life is enthusiasm, joy and bubbling energy.

Moderate food and moderate activity makes you realize that you are connected to the universal spirit. Then you don’t feel you are just a human being, but realize you are much bigger. The body is a small thread, the mind is much bigger. Our mind is occupying the whole universe. The mind is much bigger and the consciousness is so vast.

We watch various programs on television. The television is just a box presenting the waves. Our body is like the television that reflects waves from all over the globe.

In the same way, you are present all over. I am present all over. This connects you with the aspect of the spirit.

You are so vast.

You are so well-grounded through knowledge,

You are like the brightest light, cool and pleasant,

You are solid as a rock and delicate like a flower, The whole consciousness blossoms.

Many people pray and feel their prayers are not answered. Why? Because you don’t meditate. It’s like a cell phone with no sim card. You can keep dialing, but you cannot get through. We need to do some work for society, so that our battery keeps getting charged. For better range, you need meditation and sadhana (spiritual practices). For a sim card, you need to be on the path.

Knowledge Sessions

In SCHEDULES & EVENTS on 17/06/2010 at 11:55

Narada Bhakti Sutra Series- with Cantonese Translation

Divine Love, together with steps leading to it, is called Bhakti. Sri Sri explores the development of Divine Love while translating and explaining the original text of the Bhakti Sutras cognized by the great sage Narada. This knowledge provides inspiration as well as practical insights to the seeker of Truth.
Sri Sri an epitome of joy, love, silence, humour and deep wisdom gives an inspiring discourse on the Narada Bhakti Sutras – “Aphorisms of Love”. A set of 18 DVDs.
After watching the DVD’s we shall have a short discussion among the group to get a clear understanding. Light snack will be served after the discussions. Parking is available.

17th of June 2010 onwards, Every Thursday,
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM (8:30 maybe sometimes) 
Apartment 1, 24/Fl,  B Block,
No. 4 Park Way Court
Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Contact: Urvashi 96449194, Miconia 91054808, Louisa 94809436

Regular courses-10-11/2010

In SCHEDULES & EVENTS on 17/06/2010 at 11:32

Part I Course

6-day Course
Tue- Fri: 7-10pm, Sat-Sun: 10am-4pm 
AOL Centre, Yau Ma Tei
Course Fees-$1600

  • 5-10/10- Contact: Simran 2311298

 3-day Course at various locations
Fee: $2000

  • 8-10/10  (Evening Batch) – Contact: Tim 91076649
    • October 8, 6:30pm to 10:00pm
      October 9, 2:00pm to 6:00pm
      October 10, 10:00am to 1:00pm
  • at Estoril Court, Garden Road Read the rest of this entry »